Jamaluddin Khan belonged to the family of the famed vina player Rajab Ali Khan of Jaipur. He served as court musician at Baroda and participated in the All-India Conferences organised by V. N. Bhatkhande. His musical successor was his son vina player and vocalist Abid Hussain Khan who was court musician of Janjira and later lived in Indore.

Here is a recording of Abid Hussain Khan playing raga desh on All India Radio (Recorded by Maharawal Mahipalsinghji of Dungarpur) accompanied by Ambadas Pant Agle, famed pakhavaj player of the Nana Panse school


For rare photos and information about the art of Jamaluddin Khan, Abid Hussain Khan, pakhavaj players like Ambadas Pant and his father Sakharam Pant see Dhrupad of the Dagars, Conceptual Foundations and Contemporary Questions.